Episode 1: A Summons from MZD
English | Japanese | |
Yo! Glad to see you made it. |
よーっす よく来たなお前ら |
Dude, what'd you need to call us like that for?! I was busy with a match... |
なんだよ急に呼び出して オレ 略ゲーで忙しいんだけど |
Lemme be honest—recently, I've noticed the amount of Pop-kun's been slowly diminishing. If that doesn't get addressed, this world's gonna lose all its sound, and that's no good. |
実は最近ポップ君が なんか少なくてな このままじゃこの世界から 音がなくなっちまうんだ |
Huh?! How can you say that like it's nothing?! |
ええーっ! ? そんな大事なことをさらっと・・・ |
On top of all that, it seems like the academy in Lapistoria has something to do with it. I'm a pretty busy guy, though, and it'd look pretty sus if I was hanging around a school like that, don'tcha think? |
で どうもその原因が「ラピストリア」の 学園にあるみたいでな オレもいろいろ忙しいし 学園にいると浮いちゃうだろ? |
Hm... I'm not sure I quite get it, but something that big can't exactly be left alone, either... |
うーん・・・ イマイチ納得しきれないが そんな一大事を 放っておくわけにもいかないな |
Exactly, so we'll take it on! We'll get this sorted for the sake of the Pop'n World, whatever it takes! |
そうだな よっしゃ! ポップンワールドのためにも 俺たちでなんとかしてくるぜ! |
Aight, then it's settled. Lemme give you one of these, then. |
よし 決まりだな じゃあこれを渡しておく |
This here is a lapis. You'll need 'em in order to travel between worlds. |
ラピストリアとポップンワールドを 行き来するのに必要な「ラピス」だ |
Episode 2: Off to Lapistoria!
English | Japanese | |
Whoa... How do you use this thing, anyway? |
ヘー で これどうやって使うんだ? |
Think about how you wanna go to Lapistoria, and pour those feelings into the lapis! |
ラピストリアに行きたい! って ラピスに思いを込めるだけだ |
Got it! I wanna go to Lapistoria... I wanna go to Lapistoria...! |
よーし! ラピストリアに行きたい・・・ ラピストリアに行きたい・・・ |
You can just think to yourself too, y'know... |
・・・ 別に口に出さなくてもいーぞ |
Huh...? | ん・・・? |
English | Japanese | |
WHAAAAAA?! | うおおおおー!? | |
Oh goodness! | あらあら | |
KYAAAAAAA!! | キャーッ! | |
... | ・・・ |
Episode 3: This is Lapistoria
English | Japanese | |
Whew... so this is Lapistoria, huh〜? Just when I thought I saw my lapis start shining, we were already here! |
ふぅ・・・ ここがラピストリアかぁ〜 ラピスが光ったと思ったら あっという間だったなぁ |
Thank goodness no one seems to be hurt. |
良かった みんな無事みたいね |
Alright, so what do we do now? | で、これからどうすんだ? | |
I don't think we've got a choice but to try looking into things ourselves. |
まずはいろいろ 調べてみるしかないだろうな |
Then let's split up. Let's try to figure this out together, okay? |
じゃあ 手分けして 今何が起こっているのか 調べてみましょう |
Sounds good! Let's get going, Fuga! |
よし! じゃあいこうぜ風雅 |
Episode 4: The Red-Eyed Mistress
English | Japanese | |
All of that said... I've got no idea where to even start... |
つっても・・・ 手がかりも何もないよなぁ・・・ |
(Akane appears. This table break will look better later on.)
Well, if it isn't Retsu! | おお! 烈じゃないか! | |
Grams?! | ばーちゃん! ? | |
Grams?! | ばーちゃん! ? | |
Oho, are you a friend of Retsu's? The name's Akane. I'm his grandmother. |
おや お友達かな? 烈の祖母の茜と申します |
(No matter how I frame it, she looks nothing like a grandma...) |
どう見ても 祖母には見えないが・・・ |
Right, Grams. There haven't been nearly as many Pop-kun in the Pop'n World these days. You wouldn't happen to know what's up with that, would you? |
そうだばーちゃん 最近ポップンワールドで ポップ君が減ってるんだけど なんか知らないかな? |
Hmm... Pop-kun, huh... Maybe it has something to do with that...? |
ふーむ・・・ ポップ君がのう・・・ ひょっとしてあれかのう? |
Do you know something we don't? | 何か知ってるんですか? | |
Follow me. | ついておいで |
Episode 5: Corruption
English | Japanese | |
Take a look at this, you two. |
2人とも これを見てみい |
Is this... a lapis...? But it looks corrupted somehow... |
これは・・・ラピス・・・? でもなんか汚れてるような・・・ |
Correct. When a lapis is corrupted like this, its user is unable to travel to the Pop'n World to play Pop'n. |
そうじゃ このようにラピスが汚染され ポップンをしにポップンワールドに 行けなくなっている者が多くおる |
So that would be why we're losing so many Pop-kun... but what are we supposed to do about this? |
つまり そのせいでポップ君が減っている ということか・・・ でもこれをどうすれば・・・? |
Well, you do... this! | それには・・・これじゃ! |
(The screen flashes red.)
Whaaaaa?! You set it on fire?! Is that like my Fateful Purification...? |
うおおお!? 火が出た!? これは・・・オレの運命浄化と同じ・・・? |
Sure is! Use those flames of yours to purify that lapis! |
そうじゃ! その炎でラピスを浄化するのじゃ! |
Alright, I'll give it a shot...! |
よっしゃ! やってみるか・・・! |
Episode 6: Fateful Purification
English | Japanese | |
FATEFUL... PURIFICATION!! | 運命・・・浄化ァッ! |
(The screen flashes red.)
Hoho, I knew you had it in you! |
ほほう できたようじゃな |
I see. This must be why MZD chose us in particular... |
なるほど これがオレ達4人が選ばれた もうひとつの理由か・・・ |
What are you talking about? | どういうことだ? | |
If we make use of our unique abilities, we'll be able to purify all these lapises. |
それぞれの技を使えば ラピスを浄化できるってことさ |
Oooh, you think so? |
へー そうなのか? |
We won't know for sure unless we try, so... |
やってみないことには わからないがな |
Good, good. Since that lapis is all taken care of, it has been an awful long time since I've played Pop'n with my dear grandson. How about it? |
よしよし それじゃあ浄化も終わったことだし 久しぶりに孫とポップンしてみるか |
Sure thing! I'm not gonna lose! | よっしゃ! 負けねーからな! |
Final Episode: Operation Lapis Purification
English | Japanese | |
Hoho, you've certainly improved. |
ほほう 腕をあげたなあ |
Hehe! | へへっ | |
Even so, why exactly are lapises being corrupted? |
しかしどうして ラピスが汚染されているんだろうな |
I haven't any clue myself... | それはワシにもわからんが・・・ | |
But as long as we keep purifying these corrupted lapises, more people will be able to play Pop'n for now, won't they? |
でも 汚染されてるラピスを浄化すれば ひとまずポップンする人が増えるだろ? |
So let's go find every corrupted lapis we can, and cleanse them head to toe! |
なら 汚染されてるラピスを見つけて 片っ端から浄化していこうぜ! |
I suppose that's all we can do. | まずはそれしかないかもな |